Pour se présenter, faire connaissance, pas pour poser ses premières questions.
par fisker
Hello !

I`m a fish-keeper and breeder from northern Germany and I have to say, that I really love (mostly) all kind of fish. So you can find at my place ~ 50 tanks (I don`t know the right number), within Tanganjica-cichlids at first, a lot of plecos, snakeheads and also south American cichlids.

I also write reports in the AMAZONAS and there I`m represented in the Editorial Board.

Let`s have a good time together !


par ju51
Willkommen fisker

Ne vous vengez pas, soyez heureux, c'est pire !
par xavier.longy
it's a pleasure to welcome you on the french cichlidsforum.

Rien de grand dans le monde ne s'est fait sans passion.
Quand je serai grand, je serai Patrick de Rham ou Patrick Tawil!
Avatar du membre
par Benoit J.
Willkommen im Forum fisker. :)

Kalago, Kabogo, Maswa, Lubengela, Helembe, Bulu point, Kalilani, Lyamembe, Sibwesa, Kekese, Ikola, Kabwe, Utinta, Slaf rocks, Mpimbwe, Kolongwe, Kipili, Mvuna, Nkondwe, Lupita, Ulwile, Mtosi, Namansi, Fulwe rocks, île de Mamalesa, Molwe, Samazi, Muzi, Kasanga, Kantalamba... :gold:

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